
Interleukin 1β (IL-1β) is a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine primarily produced by macrophages, playing a pivotal role in the immune and inflammatory response to infection and injury. IL-1β acts as a critical mediator, helping to protect the body against infectious and traumatic insults. However, excessive IL-1β production in chronic inflammatory conditions has been implicated in the progression of diseases such as neuroinflammatory disorders (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease), rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel diseases..

The Simoa® IL-1β Advantage PLUS (Product # 105212) Assay offers ultrasensitive quantification of IL-1β, achieving femtogram-level sensitivity with a fully automated workflow on the HD-X™ system. This assay empowers researchers with deeper insights into inflammatory conditions, delivering lot-to-lot consistency to ensure reproducibility across large-scale and longitudinal studies.

For multiplexed analysis, IL-1β is included in the Simoa® Cytokine 4-Plex A (C4PA) Advantage PLUS Assay, which simultaneously measures IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α, enabling a comprehensive inflammatory cytokine profile for broader research applications.

Certificates Of Analysis

Applications and Intended Use

Simoa® IL-1β Advantage PLUS is a digital immunoassay intended for the quantitative measurement of IL-1β concentrations in human serum and EDTA plasma samples.

For research use only.

Assay Specifications

  • Compatible instruments: HD-X
  • Analytical Lower Limit of Quantification (LLOQ): 0.008 pg/mL
  • Lower Limit of Detection (LOD): 0.002 pg/mL
  • Dynamic range: 0 – 48 pg/mL

Kit Contents

The Simoa® IL-1β Advantage PLUS Assay Kit includes all essential reagents and controls to perform 96 tests.

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